Royal Things is a hunger fighting jewelry social-entrepreneurial venture begun by me, Amber Royal.  My desire to start Royal Things was twofold.  I wanted to offer jewelry aficionados unique, fashion-forward, accessible and economical accessory options, and I wanted to help in need individuals and families procure food. Through Royal Things, I am doing just that and I would like to include you in establishing Royal Things as both a jewelry company and a hunger-fighting mission driven establishment.

I encourage you to start right here on this e-commerce site, where you can select from a myriad of unique, one-of-a-kind and limited edition jewelry.  Explore this site and you will find statement-making jewels for both women and men and both vintage and handcrafted. Whether you’re looking for a necklace to pair with an outfit to wear to a friend’s housewarming party or you’re looking for a B-day present for Dad, you’ll be able to find the perfect jewels right here.

You can also help end hunger in a unique way. Whenever you purchase an item, a meal goes to someone experiencing hunger in my hometown of Baltimore, MD and another goes abroad.  We are partnering with Paul’s Place in Baltimore to bring meals to Baltimoreans who are in a time of need. Additionally, one dollar goes to an organization that provides water and a malnutrition-fighting food to children in developing countries to help restore their ability to digest food. Through Royal Things,

Finally, you are amazing for visiting the Royal Things site! There are many other places that you could have chosen to visit, so I’d like to thank you for choosing to stop by the Royal Things website.  Please let me know how I can help you as you decide on what you would like!

Amber Royal